Conditionals from yolandagarciamoreno

Now, it is time to practice:

First conditional1                                   Conditionals
Firt conditional 2                                         Rephrasing conditionals
Second conditional 1                             Rephrasing2
Second conditional 2                              Rephrasing3
Third conditional 1                                  Rephrasing4
Third conditional 2                                 Rephrasing5
First/Second/ Third conditionals
Conditional structures
Conditional sentences

If you watch this video, it can help you understand conditionals better.


Passive voice 1º from yolandagarciamoreno

This constructions can be practiced in the following links:

Passive voice 1   Passive voice2   Passive voice3  Passive voice4
Active to passive  Active or passive2  Active or passive3  Active or passive4
Passive quiz
Passive with two objects  Two objects2  Two objects3     
Rephrasing passive voice                                                 causative1
Rephrasing 2                                                                     Causative test
Rephrasing 3                                                                     Causative2
Rephrasing4                                                                      Causative3


Practice the pasive voice with scenes from the tv shows

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